This expansion doesn’t alter the basic game mechanics hugely, but it does make it harder to win. Play a few games first, meet Napping Nibbles and the squad, then come back and let me introduce you to the new gang. I’m assuming that you’ve already played Here to Slay, the base game, but if you haven’t- stop right here! Go and check out the base game first. Druid Deer protect your army, such as ‘Maegisty’ and ‘Doe Fallow’ … took me too long to figure that one out. Warrior foxes come with some powerful effects (Critical Fang gives you +4 when attacking a monster, for example). The Warriors and Druids expansion (unsurprisingly) brings you two new classes of heroes. We found this really helped to vary the game each time we played. This expansion, although small, adds some powerful new cards to change up the gameplay. It certainly didn’t fail to brighten up our day with the adorable new heroes. This Here to Slay expansion was long waited in our household. Welcome to the team, Warriors and Druids!